NEW - Entire family at Alice and Dave Billheimer's College Graduation, Oberlin Ohio, 1962 - back of photo says "Walter, Bill, Sarah, Peg, Dave, Tim in front, Alice, June 1962, at Dave and Alice's graduation, taken in Grace Hageman's back yard on Cedar St., Oberlin."
Baby Tim about 1956, getting taken for a ride (might as well get used to it...)
Six-year-old Tim, with Mimi Wellington on Palm Sunday (all dressed up and nowhere to go except maybe church)
Me about 1982, sitting on top of a basalt column at "Tootsie Roll Rocks" by Umtanum Falls, near Ellensburg WA.
A series of pictures of Stewarts and other relatives in Hopkinton, 1880s to 1915
Timothy Fiske, my Great-great grandfather (and the source of my name)
Grandfather, Dr. George Walter Fiske, 1895 (on the occasion of his graduation from seminary?)
Margaret Fiske, my mother, as a 2-year old baby, 1914
Mom and Dad (William L. Hilliard), about 1955, behind 151 State St. Framingham, MA
The back of the house at 151 State Street, Framingham Mass., August, 1956
The whole family in the dining room, Christmas 1962
The house at Turkey Cove (St. George), Maine about 1964
Three generations of Hilliard men, May 1966 at Turkey Cove: William (my father), Walter (my grandfather), and me, Tim shaking hand of Buddy, sister Sarah's collie.
The house at Turkey Cove in winter, about 1972?
The house at Turkey Cove as it looks nearer to today (photo about 1990)
Mom and Dad, about 1977, by kitchen door at Turkey Cove, Maine
November, 2003